How do we do Agile in Data Science?
Here is my notes from the excellent article on Agile process for Data Science - Agile in Data Science
Here is my notes from the excellent article on Agile process for Data Science - Agile in Data Science
Visualizing Stocks in Altair
Data Science Portfolio
Faceted Scatter Plot with Linked Brushing
Publishing Jupyter Notebooks on GitHub
Howdy! This is an example blog post that shows several types of HTML content supported in this theme.
Jekyll is a static site generator, an open source tool for creating simple yet powerful websites of all shapes and sizes. From the project’s readme:
Importing necessary packages
Gaussian Mixtures A Gaussian mixture model is a probabilistic model that assumes all the data points are generated from a mixtures of a finite number of Gaus...
Large CSV files
Pipeline are useful for model building
What is a Pipeline
Anamolies in Data
100 Posts of Machine Learning
Here are some reasons why you might want to keep an analysis notebook
1 2 3 4 %matplotlib inline import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
What’s the difference between machine learning, statistics, and data mining? - SHARP SIGHT LABS
Algorithms and architecture for job recommendations
Kaggle Python Tutorial on Machine Learning<p>Always wanted to compete in a Kaggle competition? This Python tutorial by Kaggle and DataCamp offers the s...
Deep Language Modeling for Question Answering using Keras
Visualizing Machine Learning with Plotly and Domino
Bots, the next frontier
How to Pick Your P-Value
Found an awesome presentation on Stats:
The Three Tools Netflix Used to Build Its World-Class Brand - First Round Review
Uber’s and other auto makers’ interest in HERE shows a third business model. Accurate maps are a key to making vehicles autonomous. More so even than the val...
Infographic: Must Read Books in Analytics / Data Science
Big Data and Advanced Analytics for marketing
How Big Data is Changing Marketing Analytics
How to Become a Data Scientist for Free
Machine Learning with Scikit
Interview Questions for Data Scientist Positions
Infographic: Must Read Books in Analytics / Data Science
Designing Data-Driven Interfaces
pythonhub: —<p>Economics Simulations: key insight</p>
Robo Advisors Take On Wall Street<p>futurescope:</p>
7 Tools for Data Visualization in R, Python, and Julia<p>Follow my blog for more - Analytics & Marketing</p>
Is Programmatic Advertising the Future of Marketing? - HBR
IDC predicts that the worldwide spend for marketing software in 2015 will be $22.6 billion — and by 2018, it will grow by nearly 50% to $32.3 billion.
Quantitative clustering techniques solely rely on grouping a bunch of stocks based on returns and their correlations, seems to fail while trying to classify ...
Apple services especially iTunes and Maps are a sad placeholder in countries like China and India. While iOS is a solid ecosystem with apps, the services fro...
<p>(via Apple Q2 2016 results: Going down! - Six Colors) Best Vizualizations from AAPL’s Q2.</p>
<p>Is this the future of work?</p>
Chat bots, conversation and AI as an interface
A Fitbit Saved His Life? Well, Maybe
States Where Day Care Costs More Than College
Startup Risk: from Dropbox to Airbnb
You’re hired, but first, some rules. — The Startup
Presentation Zen: 10 tips for improving your presentations & speeches
Blaise Pascal famously wrote in his Provincial Letters, “If I had more time, I would have written you a shorter letter.” —
Email HTML template builder - groupon/gleemail · GitHub
The Three Tools Netflix Used to Build Its World-Class Brand - First Round Review
Internet of Things (IoT) Market Ecosystem Map — Medium<p>Awesome industry overview</p>
Want a Better Pitch? Watch This. — Firm Narrative — Medium
How NASA Broke The Gender Barrier In STEM<p>ja-dark:</p>
So You Want to be a Data Scientist
Samsung’s Mobile OS Dilemma<p>Follow my blog for more - Analytics & Marketing</p>
6 Strategies for a Powerful About Page | Men with Pens |
6 Strategies for a Powerful About Page | Men with Pens<p>abetterfreelancer:</p>
Robo Advisors Take On Wall Street<p>futurescope:</p>
The online market for razorblades barely existed a few years ago, yet Americans have taken to it quickly: Web sales of men’s shaving gear in the U.S. have ne...
Lessons From A Study of Perfect Pitch Decks: VCs Spend An Average of 3 Minutes, 44 Seconds On Them | TechCrunch |
Lessons From A Study of Perfect Pitch Decks: VCs Spend An Average of 3 Minutes, 44 Seconds On Them | TechCrunch<p>Follow my blog for more - Analytics...
Verizon-AOL deal & the Future of Digital Advertising - Stratechery by Ben Thompson <p>Follow my blog for more - Analytics & Marketing</p>
Presentation: Mobile is eating the world — Benedict Evans<p>Mobile is disrupting many industries & it will scale even faster from here.</p>
Boors in the Workplace
How to Effectively Target Social Media for B2B Marketing<p>Follow my blog for more - Analytics & Marketing</p>
App Analytics is the powerful new tool inside iTunes Connect. Get a walk through of the metrics related to user engagement, marketing campaigns, monetization...
IDC predicts that the worldwide spend for marketing software in 2015 will be $22.6 billion — and by 2018, it will grow by nearly 50% to $32.3 billion.
<p>The Marketing Power of the Internet of Things: Connectivity for Better Customer Interactivity</p>
<p>Marketing Technology Landscape</p>
How Startups Are Changing Marketing As We Know It from Amrita Chandra
impellium: 5 Ways to Aggressively Grow Your Newsletter SubscribersEmail is one of the most effective forms of digital marketing and an essential component of...
Growth hacking recognizes that when you focus on understanding your users and how they discover and adopt your products, you can build features that help you...
<p>New generation of marketing managers need to watch this. Follow my blog for more Analytical Marketing</p>
IF YOU have been to New York’s La Guardia airport recently, taken a train during London’s rush hour, tried to drive in Lagos or endured one of India’s ubiqui...
How much does Apple spends on the iPad hardware? Recently introduced AppleTV has the A4 chip along with wireless chip and 8GB flash memory. This teardown at ...
Rating agencies models have come under severe scrutiny in the recent years after their track record on issues related to the sub-prime crisis. In Financial E...
You’re not your job. You’re not how much money you have in the bank. You’re not the car you drive. You’re not the contents of your wa...
90% of success is showing up —
All courses of action are risky, so prudence is not in avoiding danger (it’s impossible), but calculating risk and acting decisively. Make mistakes of ...
Seth writes as advise for job seekers, I like to do a few things in this list as well Seth writes: Graduate school for unemployed college students Fewer coll...
This “talent mind-set” is the new orthodoxy of American management. It is the intellectual justification for why such a high premium is placed on degrees from...
Getting Real: The Book by 37signals<p>Reading this for the nth time. Do it good and get real.</p>
Really useful perspective for this job hunting season. marco: lindsayneedscoffee: I have a job interview tomorrow. Or today for some of you East Coast folk...
கண்ணே கலை மானே
Lines of
Here is my current terminal setup for Ubuntu 20.04.
Why You Should Carry a Notebook with You Everywhere - 99U
The Declining Marginal Value of Crazy<p>Showmanship, lack of touch with reality, and a palpable handle on the grievance and unrestrained self-assertion...
Hunter S. Thompson’s Superb Advice | Brain Pickings |
20-Year-Old Hunter S. Thompson’s Superb Advice on How to Find Your Purpose and Live a Meaningful Life | Brain Pickings<p>Very profound letter about goa...
The math behind basketball’s wildest moves
5 Habits that Boost Productivity<p>abetterfreelancer:</p>
More objects are becoming embedded with sensors and gaining the ability to communicate. The resulting information networks promise to create new business mod...
It’s the Hard Work, Stupid.
<h2>2014-2015 Out of State Tuition For Top-Ranked MS Degrees in Analytics, Business Analytics and Data Science</h2>
Interesting pursuit to get better at creating & building things.
<p>Excited about this movie. Engineer’s delight!</p>
Henry Miller on Writing
What’s the difference between goals and systems?
Approaching your goals — whatever they are — with the attitude of a professional isn’t easy. In fact, being a pro is painful.
What I usually recommend: get up early. Get up early and work for a couple hours on the thing you really care about. When you’re done, go about your day: go ...
Dunning- Kruger effect— the tendency for some people to substantially overestimate their abilities. (The less competent they are, the more they overestimate ...
I’m not sure about you, but I’m done criticizing.
GORILLA society, power belongs to silverback males. These splendid creatures have numerous status markers besides their back hair: they are bigger than the r...
<p>100 posts! </p>
In the movie Ratatouille, the food critic Anton Ego says this in a monologue,
The Case For “Niching” Yourself<p>abetterfreelancer:</p>
Instead of thinking what you want to do, think about who you want to be. Picture how your identity will change as the result of your decision. Are you the ty...
Our experiences are a bigger part of ourselves than our material goods. You can really like your material stuff. You can even think that part of your identit...
We buy things to make us happy, and we succeed. But only for a while. New things are exciting to us at first, but then we adapt to them. —Gilovich
The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. —W.B. Yeats
1 2 3 4 5 # Project Euler: Problem 1 # Use Module:Enumerable # Sum some numbers (5..10).inject { |sum,n| sum+n } # find the sum of all multiples of 3 and 5 b...
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10cBarney Frank's Town Hall</embed>Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorHe...
Visualizing Stocks in Altair
Faceted Scatter Plot with Linked Brushing
Howdy! This is an example blog post that shows several types of HTML content supported in this theme.
Importing necessary packages
Gaussian Mixtures A Gaussian mixture model is a probabilistic model that assumes all the data points are generated from a mixtures of a finite number of Gaus...
Pipeline are useful for model building
What is a Pipeline
Anamolies in Data
How to Avoid the Most Common Design Mistakes<p>abetterfreelancer:</p>
Follow my blog for more - Analytics & Marketing
Seth Godin talk about artists and their leverage in the new connected world. Today, I listened to Sophie Madeleine. She is so talented. She chose to sell her...
The hard part for us avant-garde post-modern artists is deciding whether or not to embrace commercialism. Do we allow our work to be hyped and exploited by a...
<p>architectureblog:</p> via:
<p>Copenhagen Penthouse Interior by Norm Architects » CONTEMPORIST</p>
Jeremy Levine Design<p>Awesome architect who uses sustainable technologies for homes. Check out his Eagle Rock home in flickr as well here.</p>
NIFTY Index Performance
Want to learn more? Check out Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
First, you need to get the Solver Foundation assemblies from here. Then head to Resolver One and paste this sample code into the editor and hit recalculate t...
<p>I made a Sudoku Solver in the Resolver One environment, using the Microsoft Solver Foundation. The kernel of this sheet is to implement Sudoku as a ...
I posted a spreadsheet to calculate option prices using ‘Binomial option pricing method' at Resolver One site. The core idea is from Cox et al. (1979)...
Over the last couple of months Google (GOOG) has reached out to the major carriers and device makers backing its mobile operating system with a message: Ther...
I own couple of Samsung android phone, earlier generation Galaxy phones. They have seen no official software updates and they run on Android 1.6! I wondered...
I got a new phone - Samsung i7500 Galaxy. Looks like it is going to be more fun than my older phones. 1. Samsung i7500 Galaxy runs the Android 1.5 platform. ...
Quantitative clustering techniques solely rely on grouping a bunch of stocks based on returns and their correlations, seems to fail while trying to classify ...
Get Pandas Datareader
Large CSV files
Import necessary libraries
Get Pandas Datareader
In this tutorial, we would be going through the process of setting Snowflake with sample warehouse. Next, we would be loading a data file onto this warehouse...
Import necessary libraries
Jekyll is a static site generator, an open source tool for creating simple yet powerful websites of all shapes and sizes. From the project’s readme:
Publishing Jupyter Notebooks on GitHub
Here are some interesting parallels between business & politics
Here are some interesting parallels between business & politics
Writing is one of the most cogent ways to communicate with others. It requires work from the author to do critical thinking and come up with an engaging stor...
Data Science Portfolio
Here is my notes from the excellent article on Agile process for Data Science - Agile in Data Science
NIFTY Index Performance
NIFTY Index Performance