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R Reference Material

This post contains pointers to R reference materials, and will be updated.Google search for R Tutorial An Introduction to R (pdf), from the central R web si...

Big Dream

I would like to run a company that does $100 million in sales, before I am 35 years old. Create some wealth through creative use of technology in my corner o...

Coming tablet price wars

How much does Apple spends on the iPad hardware? Recently introduced AppleTV has the A4 chip along with wireless chip and 8GB flash memory. This teardown at ...

Android Apps: Case for quality control

The debate over the closed nature of iPhone apps and Android apps has raged over several developer blogs and media outlets. But from the point of customers, ...

Failure is not fun

I am not going to stand here and tell you that failure is fun. That period of my life was a dark one, and I had no idea that there was going to be what the p...

Writing for engineers

How to make engineers write concisely with sentences? By combining journalism with the technical report format. In a newspaper article, the paragraphs are or...