edxstories francisco goitia age 23 buenos


Francisco Goitia

Age 23  |  Buenos Aires

Last year I decided to change my life. I was working in a field I hated (SAP security) and found edX purely by chance. I’ve been interested in technology all my life, but ended up studying business in my local university. Last year I was at a crossroads: I knew I wanted to devote my life to software, but at age 22, I couldn’t just stop working and change careers to pursue a 6-year degree at my local university.

So I went creatively about it. I kept studying in the University of Economics of the Universidad de Buenos Aires, but I quit my job and told myself I was going to devote a year to do as many MOOCs as I could and learn as much as possible. I read a lot of books and took CS50, Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python, Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science, Engineering Software as a Service.

One year later and I’m about to graduate from my local university, nailed a lot of technical software interviews and got my pick of where I wanted to work: I’ve accepted a dream job in a startup called Jampp, which focuses on using Machine Learning for better mobile advertising. I’m going to be coding a lot in Python, my favorite language. EdX was critical in the way I changed my life, and is going to keep having a massive impact on my life, since I’m planning on being a lifelong learner on this platform.

